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Saving The Prince (T Escaped

作者:Daniel 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 02:53:49

I knew it wasn time for the wedding or the Tv screen wouldn remain blank. Prince Levi, Mom, Daniel, and Joanna were safe. At least for the time being. The rumbling in my stomach persisted, and so did the pain in my head and lower back, though I tried to ignore them.

My arms began aching too and felt as if they were going to stretch right off my body. My throat felt like sun-parched earth beneath ones bare feet. Even my saliva seemed as if it was evaporating.

Lord, I can bear this torture anymore. Please help me.

Involuntarily, my head hung as my neck was losing its strength, and couldn manage to support the weight of my head any longer. I twitched my head slightly as I felt something crawling in my hair. It began making its way down my forehead. I wanted to scream, but even my voice was weak. I really hope its not a spider because Im a…

Before I could complete my thought, a black spider with tiny yellow speckles crawled down my nose. It was the size of an adult butterfly. I sneezed and the insect flew to the ground, then started making its way back up the wall. It crawled onto my feet. What does this thing want with me?

I twitched my feet, hoping that the spider would crawl off but it didn . It just settled right there. I kept twitching my feet but the stubborn thing refused to get off. I stopped twitching my feet and stared at the little creature. My eyes then rested on a crack in the wall that was half an inch away from the side of my feet.

An idea jumped into my brain. I struggled to force my feet into the crack. They ached more than before as the magic chains made it difficult for them to move freely. Besides, my feet were extremely weak.

After several failed and painful attempts to press my feet into the crack, I was finally successful. Just as I thought, the cracked brick crumbled beneath my feet, which allowed the supporting bricks to begin crumbling as well. Some seconds later, the wall came tumbling down. I tumbled to the ground. I almost fell on the point of the sword, but praise God, a brick knocked it down.

I was buried under the bricks. My body yelled in pain all over. That was a very bad idea. Im sure of death now. It then slapped me in the face, that I got the miracle that I prayed for, though not exactly the way I wanted it.

I would never have thought that God would send a creepy-looking insect that I was allergic to, to rescue me. My heart laughed, as I sent a prayer of thankfulness to my God. I don know how I was able to unbury myself from under the bricks.

Actually, God deserved the credit. He pulled me out because there was just no way that I could have done it myself. Straddling to my feet, my legs wobbled, but did not collapse. Thank God for that.

I wondered what happened to the Tv, chains, and sword. Maybe they disappeared or were covered by bricks. Who cared anyway? Dusting off my pajamas, arms, and legs, I realized that blood was seeping from my legs and arms, reminding me of the intense pain my body was experiencing. I groaned, but couldn complain. I was alive and still had a chance to save us from the

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